it's been called by some, the "Z2FreeU' logo ... in reference to R2D2, but its origin is earthly vs. other worldly.
"Z" is for Zygote, and its zig-zag indicative of the "back to the future" legal journey back to to zygote origin based wholeness
"2" is for the false duality created by the unnatural cut
"F" is for Free representing freedom from paper and spiritual slavery
"." represents the "origin period" of fertilization at the beginning of the zygote, aka "the initial period" , which zigzags back to eliminate the false paper and spiritual duality indicated by the same period at the end of the logo, full stop.
Below are the stages of this logo from conception to edited end design, turquoise representing the gold (baby) plus the watery placenta boat (blue) combined at origin, split by false duality created by the cut, then reunited back into turquoise indicating reunified whole self-soverignty again.